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New Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix
OVERVIEW The Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix strives to create an exceptional and well-trained workforce to serve the aging population in Arizona, as well as the rest of the country. The focus of the program...
Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Tulane University
Location: Tulane University | New Orleans, LAStart Date: September 2020 DESCRIPTION: A two-year postdoctoral fellow position is available at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Department of Epidemiology. This position is with the...
Blood Test for Alzheimer’s That Detects Disease 20 Years Before Symptoms Is 98% Accurate
A new blood test detected Alzheimer’s disease as accurately as expensive brain scans or spinal taps, raising the possibility for a new, inexpensive option to diagnose the most common form of dementia, researchers said. Read more: USA Today The New York Times...
Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Statement: The Fight for Social Justice
I am writing on behalf of my colleagues in the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium to express our anguish about the injustice of George Floyd’s death and the long history of other social injustices, many of which are never reported. We are determined to be a part of the...
Scientists Say They Have Identified a Rare Gene Mutation in a Colombian Woman That Could be Helping Protect Her from the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease | BBC News
Click here to listen to the BBC World Service segment!
Long-Neglected Gene Plays a Bigger Role in Alzheimer’s Than Suspected, Study Shows | STAT
Just days after news that an ultra-rare form of a cholesterol-related gene called APOE protected a Colombian woman from developing early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (as one of her other genes supposedly fated her to), a second study is providing even stronger evidence...
Why Didn’t She Get Alzheimer’s? The Answer Could Hold a Key to Fighting the Disease | The New York Times
A genetic mutation said she was destined to get Alzheimer’s in her 40s, just like her family members in the Colombian kindred with a rare form of the disease. But remarkably, she experienced no cognitive decline until her 70s. Banner Alzheimer’s Institute was involved...
New ASU Center Confronts the Silver Tsunami | ASU
ASU launches Center for Innovation in Healthy and Resilient Aging with an eye toward caring for an aging population Click here to read the full article at Arizona State University